If you have not picked up your award:
You may come to the SCPA office and pick up your senior awards during school hours. Please call or email the SCPA program assistant in advance, so she can have it ready for you [email protected] or 619 476-3377 Senior AWARD information All SCPA graduating Seniors will receive a Certificate All SCPA graduating Seniors that met the requirements will also receive the SCPA Medallion All SCPA graduating Seniors that earned the SCPA Medallion with a 3.0 GPA or above will also receive the SCPA Seal (the seal - SCPA "Graduate of Distinction" is inside your senior envelope, we don't put it on the diploma, we let you decide where) SCPA Honor graduates are students that earned the SCPA Medallion and Seal, and demonstrate high artistic achievement. These students will be gifted the SCPA sash* *We no longer have the SCPA sash available for sale as it is exclusive to the honor grads (formerly "portfolio winners") You should pick these up in an envelope following your graduation rehearsal |